Sunday, August 28, 2011


            Today is kind of a lazy day, the day before I start my new job! My baby treated me to a movie! We saw Planet of the Apes it was really good, not at all cheesy like the old ones. I want my very own Ceasar, but only until he gets big because then he gets all ugly. I think the whole point to that movie had to do with animal testing. Idk much about all that, but to me it was kind of an obvious underlining of this movie.
            So I was talking with a friend of mine today, about how certain people were put in our lives just to teach us something. That is my belief people are put in your life to teach you individual lessons. You learn something different from every person you encounter or at least I do. Things I learned the hard way are 1. Don’t trust everything to just anyone. 2. Choose your best friends wisely. 3. Family is all you have.  4. Don’t trust what you hear. 5. No matter how big or small your worries are, put them in God’s hands. 6. Listen more, talk less.  Every ONE of those lessons came from people in my life. They took advantage of my naïve outlook on this world, which in turn taught me something I will instill in my children and the people around me.  I am very thankful for everyone who has been in and out of my life.
            So I broke one of my new starts on Sunday. Anybody want to take a guess? The Working Out. I am very disappointed in myself. I was thinking well I can do it 3 times a week. That didn’t happen either. I will start soon. Actually I just recently stumbled on a little extra time. Maybe it’s a blessing.

Something to funny to say at the end of anybodies sentence.  "that's what you think."

            Work was going great. It’s full or new experiences, learning a lot about the “bar” atmosphere, and lots of fun people and personalities. Unnnnntil I had to work an EIGHTEEN HOUR shift. Yes, 8AM- 3AM. NOT COOL my legs and feet were sore for a week. I tried to stick it out but that industry is just not for me. I quit. =/ Anybody know any cool, decent paying jobs in Leander/Cedar Park/North Austin Area let me know ASAP! I’d like to get my own apartment very soon. (very very soon.)
            School so far is going great. Taking four classes HISTORY, GOVERNMENT, HUMANITIES, SPANISH ONE! Still doing my basics, I know because I am a slacker. Hmm, what can you expect when you go to ACC! Just kidding, I just don’t apply myself as much as a should. BUUUUT that is allllllll changing. I just made a 100 on my first History Test! Government is going really good, my teacher has dreads. Have not started Humanities (September 19th) and Spanish is fun! Wish me luck in that one though. I can hardly speak English without stumbling over my words. 


Let Go-Frou Frou
It's a song.

            I would like to say a prayer for all the people who were involved in the Leander Fire.
                        Dear God,
                                    Please help these people be strong and keep moving forward with their lives. Let them find the help that they need. Let people be willing to give and to help all of those in need at this time. Allow everyone to be strong and thankful for what they have left. Thank you, for our firefighters and everyone involved in getting that fire under control. Thank you. Also thank you for my friend Jamie who is still healthy and alive! Thank you.
Quote for the Day
            -For just one day, imagine everyone’s intentions are good because most of them are.
Don’t just honk at the person who made the mistake while driving, honestly do you think they were just jumping out in front of you to be a jerk? Do you mean to when you make a mistake? NO. Don’t just give a person in a hurry making their way through everyone a dirty look they might have a legit reason to be in a hurry. Just think before you are mean.
Quote of the Day
            -Insecurity will destroy you.
Allowing yourself, to put yourself down, is already starting off losing. Wake up knowing you are beautiful and unique and great in so many ways. Even if you aren’t a perfect 10 chances are that in someone’s eyes you are.     
-Had my mom and sisters birthday today. I love family time. We all played a game as a family. It has been forrrrevvvver since we did that. It’s called Camping. Ha let me know if you haven’t played and we will play. Apparently half my family had never played so that made it even better.  I love when all of us get together it is a rare occasion cause trying to have 10 people who have their own lives and schedules to be at the same place at the same time is quite difficult. Made my day that little Rylee came up to me first! I miss those babies so much. Family means so much.
Saw a fight between a girl and a guy driving down the road. It was bad. Even from the outside looking in. That was not a healthy fight. Remember don’t let your temper get the best of you. It gets in the way of soooo much more than you think.  You cannot take back the hurtful words you say. Think before you speak.
That is another lesson I have learned the hard way. Yeah speaking your mind when you’re angry feels great at the time but later when you realize you didn’t mean what you said or at least not the way it came out. You wish for that rewind button. There is no such thing. Just remember to be understanding and patient. There is a time and a place to raise your voice and get mad. You have a right to your feelings but so does the other person. Compromise means a lot in a relationship and when you are angry that goes out the window as you are walking through the door of being selfish.
Quote of the Day
Life is too short.
It’s self explanatory.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

No Time Is Wasted. If it made you smile.

Blog number two.
 Today was a lazy day, I love those days. Where you just lay around and get caught up on the little things at home. I am very thankful for these days because they are few and far between.
I miss my nieces and nephews, I feel like I never get enough time with them when I do get to actually see them. Today I got to hang out with my nephew Cohen and yes of course he always teaches me the reason I don’t want kids anytime soon. Ha, because if they’re yours you can’t give them back. I love him to death. He always makes me ask for his hugs. He enjoys this; I am guessing at least because I am the only one who he makes do it. Also, I hung out with my step-nephew Dylan and found out if I played hide and seek with 11year olds I would totally win. I hid him and he was the last to be found. I miss my Karleigh-bear! She is the most adorable little ball of attitude on this planet and she is only 3years old.  I wish I could go back to babysitting Lizzy, Little, and Peyton all summer, I took that time for granted. I see them maybe, if once a month. You want to know who I have missed the most? My brother’s babies, I feel like I am missing out on their lives. I don’t think they even hardly know me when they are in town. I need to make more of an effort to drive that drive to them.
Anywho, on a lighter note, I did some crafty stuff today that I haven’t done in quite some time. I absolutely love to mod podge. It looks so neat and unique and it is fun and easy to do. I just love it. I love to make collages, they’re my favorite. It would be my dream to open a craft store. I love to make things like blankets, and pictures, I have not quite mastered jewelry but I would love to do that also. Just to be working/doing something I love would be just awesome.
I spent the evening just watching movies on demand with my baby, he is the sweetest. He is patient and caring I cherish all my time with him. Spending day in and day out with him is truly a blessing. He keeps me focused and wanting to move forward. He motivates me to do my best. Thank you, Prince Charming for allllllways being there. I love you!
Speaking of movies on demand, has everyone seen Dinner for Schmucks and Catch Me if You Can?? If not definitely look into those two movies, I am not a critic by any means but those two are pretty good. Schmucks- scale of 1-10 on funny-ness probably a 6.6 and Catch Me- 1-10 on interesting and attention grabbing I give about a 7.3. Tell me what y’all think if you go and watch this now!
So I am getting my hair done on the 17th I was thinking about going a little darker. Not black but dark dark dark brown? Anybody have any suggestions? Lighter or darker, Highlights or Lowlights or just do something different? I get bored with my hair easily. Hopefully no matter what I end up doing, she can go around my new feather extensions, I absolutely love them!

Well today I have a couple phrases to leave you with.
Don’t take precious time with family and friends for granted. Everybody is always busy doing something but you cannot take time back. Make time for the people you care about, always let the people that you care about know you care. Make it a point.
Life isn’t always fair. And perhaps it is a good thing for most of us it isn’t. If you think about all the starving people or the ones who have no other choice but to live under a bridge remember them when you say life isn’t fair. Remember the people across seas that live in terror of not knowing if they’ll be alive the next day or let alone their mom or family alive the next day. Remember the less fortunate when you begin to whine and moan about how tough things get. I am even guilty of complaining about nonsense. About the life we live. When in all reality we should be thankful for the life we “HAVE” to live day in and day out. JUST BE THANKFUL.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Here's To New Beginings.

So, I am new to this whole blogging thing. I am far from the best writer, but I love to anyways. I thought it would be something cool to do and look back on years from now. I am starting a few things new in the upcoming weeks, so why not add to the list. School starts in a couple of weeks. New job starts on Monday. My new work out starts on Sunday and I am looking for a new place to live before September 17th. Hopefully all of these are turns for the best. It’s hard to be out on your own trying to go day by day without being able to run to anyone for complete guidance. Yes, I am very thankful for all the people in my life that are always there to listen to my endless rants about the latest in my life or are there to pick me up when I’m down, just to let y’all know I really appreciate it.
Whelp, summer is almost over, well the whole “school break” part of it anyways. The HEAT part on the other is I think far from it. I cannot even remember the LAST time it rained. Still I am looking forward to school this semester I am going to be focused and ready. I am very determined to finish all four classes without dropping any. I know I can do this.
I am going from 40+ hours down to around 20-25 hours which means a major pay cut. I am super worried but everyone keeps reassuring me it will be alright. It’s going to be my very first job as an actual server (sonic doesn’t count). I am really actually excited because I love meeting new people and getting to know different personalities! I think I might have found the stress free fun place have been looking for to work at. C:
I have bought three or four new work out videos and I am going to make myself start them Sunday. No ands, ifs, or buts about it. I don’t see the point of a gym membership when you can do it all from home with like a jump rope and a couple 10lbs weights. Who wants to be my personal trainer? I work hard but unfortunately I am broke soooo…  any takers? This should turn out well regardless though.
I currently live with my sister for the cheapest rent around (it’s called because she loves me.) But unfortunately they are moving into Austin to better themselves and I can’t make that commute day in and day out. So I would love to get my own place, but seeing as apartment places make it damn near impossible for college students to actually get approved for a decent place I don’t know if I see that happening anytime soon. Keep your fingers crossed on that one. Recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Encouragement: is my word of the day.  
 Praise, Support, Boost, Lift.
Who doesn’t need this little action everyday in their life. The little statements like “you can do it” (yes I to think of Adam Sandler movies when saying that) Or “It will all work out”. Those types of phrases are the little stepping stones that bring people back to the top when they are down or worried. Just knowing somebody cares enough to be there through it all is what matters.