Thursday, January 5, 2012

Here's to 2012!

Wow, it surely has been awhile since I have blogged.

                Not toooo much of a difference in my life, I think the goals that I had started in my first blog have been long forgotten.  IT’S A NEW YEAR though right? Maybe setting new goals are in store……. Welllllp, of course just like everyone else in the fat*** continent of North America I am trying to lose weight. I know, I know, I have already broken my NO SODA & NO FAST FOOD resolutions. I watched supersize me to try and help destroy my Mcdonald’s addiction buuuut no dice. (I ate there today and it was just as yummy.) I am doing the calorie counting diet. (Where you cut them in half. 1290 is my allowance, Micky D’s put a big dent in it.) I am giving it 2 months.
I am trying to make myself start working out. It is hard to just start doing that on your own. (Motivation please?) Anyways it’s a really easy workout no more than 30minutes and I want to get to where I am doing it three or more times a week.  Yeah it is Thursday and I have not even done it once. It’s called The 100 Workout. We will see about that though. (Can you hear the enthusiasm?)

Another resolution of mine is TO NOT LET THINGS GET TO ME. What people say, think, do, or who they are. My wonderful Mama taught me if I don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all. I absolutely hate when people gossip and what I consider gossip is stuff that is being said that has no reason to be said A.K.A. TRASH TALK. It makes you ugly, another lesson my mama taught me. (I am so Thankful for her.) Live my life for me and the people I choose to be in it.

2011, boy was that I year I’d skip if I had the chance. A year full of lessons learned. Temptation, Deceit, Hate, Jealousy, Fakeness, all combined into the most life changing reality recognizing year of my entire existence. I have a handful of people to THANK for showing me who they really are. Better sooner than later huh? Either way you get burned though. I need to learn to read people better or something?
Throughout all of the bad last year I had the man of my dreams by my side regardless of what shenanigans I pulled. Alex Reagan, you are the definition of love. You are my world, my everything, my whole heart is yours. I don’t have a clue where I would be without you in my life. I love you. Thank you for being my rock, my shelter, my other half. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. The biggest plus about 2011 is that We celebrated our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY on November 30th, 2011. I can’t wait to say we celebrated our 5th,10th,20th,50th, and foreverrrr together CAR&JRB.  

Anyways, I am determined to get everything I want out of 2012. So much has changed in just a year and has made me appreciate time and the fact that you cannot take a second of it back or erase any words you spoke all you can do is mean what you say and be true to your heart. Take it or leave it you will begin to see who really loves you.

Goals of 2012:
: LOSE WEIGHT-by eating right and working out.
: DON’T let things get to me- by not over analyzing, by not caring to hear it, and by not caring to see it. By GETTING OVER IT.

Ending the old year by saying 
beginning the new year with 


  I am going to be going to ACC trying to finish my associates and mooooove on. Definitely takes ambition that I am slowly running out of. Takes motivation to give 100% instead of 50%, takes remembering why I am in this for the long run. I am still looking for a job. A more permanent job (wish me luck!). One that I love so I will not want to leave or dread going to day in and day out. (I know impossible right?) But like I said I am determined to get what I want out of this year.

Here is a song that since I first heard it has made my day better….

Have a wonderful day!
Any pray requests? Facebook me. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

                              It has been awhiiile since my last blog.

So, I have a question, why do people get so angry over the tiniest things? I am even guilty of this. I blow problems out of proportion, I create speed bumps for no apparent reason and I even let the littlest words eat at me. Why is any of this necessary? Life would go a whole hell of a lot smoother if we treated each situation rationally and actually thinking before acting. I can count numerous fights and arguments snowballing into a freaking avalanche because nobody thought of how their words were affecting one another. We should think every person’s intentions are for the best before assuming (to ASSUME= making an ASS OUT OF U AND ME) the worst. Cause once you throw that dagger and cut that deep there is no turning back. That avalanche will eventually fall on you.

Also, another question… What exactly is the point of talking behind another person’s back? Or making up lies or dramatizing the truth so you look better? I mean everyone does it. What do we get out of it? Do you want it to get back to them? Does it make you feel superior? Is it just the fact of letting the world know how much you don’t like that certain person? Is it to have a common interest with somebody? Honestly, why?

On to my next thought, how can a person you think you know so well turn into a person you never saw yourself being close with? I mean this happens all the time. It is just crazy to me that you think you know somebody then at the drop of a hat they are stabbing you in the back. Then you become a person they never knew because your guard is up.

Funny how that saying “There’s no need to miss someone from your past- There’s a reason they didn’t make it to your future” rings true. I look at the life and people around me and begin to believe there is a reason that it happened… even though that reason has nothing to do with now… it’s the reason everything is okay now… I could only imagine if we were still friends at this point how things would be going? God works in mysterious ways.

It’s time to move on. That is my final thought.
No more fighting, no more antagonizing each other, no more manipulation, no more apologies, no more caring.
It’s time to move on.
No more resentment, no more wanting, no more waiting, no more caring.
It’s time to move on.
No more remembering, no more watching, no more caring.
It’s time to move on.
No more wishing and listening, no more caring.

I am not allowing these belittling things get to me anymore. I know who I am and the people in my life that matter know who I am. I feel sorry for you that you screwed it up. Sorry, that you couldn’t get over the small things and grow up.

“Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.” Ann Landers
I am letting go of all the hurtful things you say, and do. I am letting go. You are forgiven but I am no longer naïve to the way you are. You, will not hear from me and if anything you do hear of me please don’t take it as “out to get you” my life will not be wasted on such petty people anymore. I have entirely too much to live happy for. Thanks.

Watch Carrie Underwood- Wasted.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


            Today is kind of a lazy day, the day before I start my new job! My baby treated me to a movie! We saw Planet of the Apes it was really good, not at all cheesy like the old ones. I want my very own Ceasar, but only until he gets big because then he gets all ugly. I think the whole point to that movie had to do with animal testing. Idk much about all that, but to me it was kind of an obvious underlining of this movie.
            So I was talking with a friend of mine today, about how certain people were put in our lives just to teach us something. That is my belief people are put in your life to teach you individual lessons. You learn something different from every person you encounter or at least I do. Things I learned the hard way are 1. Don’t trust everything to just anyone. 2. Choose your best friends wisely. 3. Family is all you have.  4. Don’t trust what you hear. 5. No matter how big or small your worries are, put them in God’s hands. 6. Listen more, talk less.  Every ONE of those lessons came from people in my life. They took advantage of my naïve outlook on this world, which in turn taught me something I will instill in my children and the people around me.  I am very thankful for everyone who has been in and out of my life.
            So I broke one of my new starts on Sunday. Anybody want to take a guess? The Working Out. I am very disappointed in myself. I was thinking well I can do it 3 times a week. That didn’t happen either. I will start soon. Actually I just recently stumbled on a little extra time. Maybe it’s a blessing.

Something to funny to say at the end of anybodies sentence.  "that's what you think."

            Work was going great. It’s full or new experiences, learning a lot about the “bar” atmosphere, and lots of fun people and personalities. Unnnnntil I had to work an EIGHTEEN HOUR shift. Yes, 8AM- 3AM. NOT COOL my legs and feet were sore for a week. I tried to stick it out but that industry is just not for me. I quit. =/ Anybody know any cool, decent paying jobs in Leander/Cedar Park/North Austin Area let me know ASAP! I’d like to get my own apartment very soon. (very very soon.)
            School so far is going great. Taking four classes HISTORY, GOVERNMENT, HUMANITIES, SPANISH ONE! Still doing my basics, I know because I am a slacker. Hmm, what can you expect when you go to ACC! Just kidding, I just don’t apply myself as much as a should. BUUUUT that is allllllll changing. I just made a 100 on my first History Test! Government is going really good, my teacher has dreads. Have not started Humanities (September 19th) and Spanish is fun! Wish me luck in that one though. I can hardly speak English without stumbling over my words. 


Let Go-Frou Frou
It's a song.

            I would like to say a prayer for all the people who were involved in the Leander Fire.
                        Dear God,
                                    Please help these people be strong and keep moving forward with their lives. Let them find the help that they need. Let people be willing to give and to help all of those in need at this time. Allow everyone to be strong and thankful for what they have left. Thank you, for our firefighters and everyone involved in getting that fire under control. Thank you. Also thank you for my friend Jamie who is still healthy and alive! Thank you.
Quote for the Day
            -For just one day, imagine everyone’s intentions are good because most of them are.
Don’t just honk at the person who made the mistake while driving, honestly do you think they were just jumping out in front of you to be a jerk? Do you mean to when you make a mistake? NO. Don’t just give a person in a hurry making their way through everyone a dirty look they might have a legit reason to be in a hurry. Just think before you are mean.
Quote of the Day
            -Insecurity will destroy you.
Allowing yourself, to put yourself down, is already starting off losing. Wake up knowing you are beautiful and unique and great in so many ways. Even if you aren’t a perfect 10 chances are that in someone’s eyes you are.     
-Had my mom and sisters birthday today. I love family time. We all played a game as a family. It has been forrrrevvvver since we did that. It’s called Camping. Ha let me know if you haven’t played and we will play. Apparently half my family had never played so that made it even better.  I love when all of us get together it is a rare occasion cause trying to have 10 people who have their own lives and schedules to be at the same place at the same time is quite difficult. Made my day that little Rylee came up to me first! I miss those babies so much. Family means so much.
Saw a fight between a girl and a guy driving down the road. It was bad. Even from the outside looking in. That was not a healthy fight. Remember don’t let your temper get the best of you. It gets in the way of soooo much more than you think.  You cannot take back the hurtful words you say. Think before you speak.
That is another lesson I have learned the hard way. Yeah speaking your mind when you’re angry feels great at the time but later when you realize you didn’t mean what you said or at least not the way it came out. You wish for that rewind button. There is no such thing. Just remember to be understanding and patient. There is a time and a place to raise your voice and get mad. You have a right to your feelings but so does the other person. Compromise means a lot in a relationship and when you are angry that goes out the window as you are walking through the door of being selfish.
Quote of the Day
Life is too short.
It’s self explanatory.